Saturday 10 August 2013

Type 1 Diabetes – Natural Treatment

Effects of Type 1 diabetes

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.  In more recent times, many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the endocrine system and pancreatic health and to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes, as it usually begins in childhood and is associated with the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin

Watch the video below by HippocaratesHealth about Type1 Diabetes:

Diabetes is a biochemical disorder which affects the body's ability to use carbohydrates, sugars and starches. Children with diabetes are not able to produce sufficient insulin or are unable to use the insulin they produce effectively enough to break down glucose or sugar in the blood and make it available to the body.  Type 1 diabetes used to be called "juvenile diabetes" because it generally affects younger people.  Type 1 diabetics don't produce the insulin they need to use the glucose from food that is essential for all body functioning.  Insulin deficiency due to selective destruction of secreting pancreatic beta cells is the cause of type 1 diabetes.  Patients always need Insulin and are prone to weight loss.

Cure of Type 1 Diabetes

Any diabetes treatment that does not include optimizing your nutrition is not really a treatment.  Type 1 diabetics have islet cell antibodies. These antibodies tell your body to attack and destroy the islet cells of your pancreas, which are responsible for making insulin. If caught early enough, a perfect type 1 diabetes treatment would be to stop the autoimmune response.

A long-term change in eating habits that ensures the right balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is essential.  Portion control and eating at regular intervals during the day is also important.  Losing excess weight also helps the body to use the insulin and regulate blood sugar more efficiently. Vitamins, minerals and other nutritional substances are also all important building blocks of systemic health.
Even tiny amounts of your own insulin could help keep your blood sugar in normal range as well as reduce your insulin requirements.  If type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, then antioxidants are an ideal natural diabetes treatment.  People with autoimmune diseases usually see an improvement in their conditions and a slowing of the progression when they use supplement with antioxidants and proper nutrients.

Natural Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes

According to some sources an Ayurvedic herb from the rain forests of India, known as Gymnema Sylvestre may be the answer for some Type 1 diabetics.  In Type 1 diabetes a very specialized group of cells in the pancreas, known as Beta-cells, located in the pancreas are damaged.
  1. Gymnema Sylvestre has been used for hundreds of years throughout India and has been known as the "destroyer of sugar".  It is said to benefit diabetics by reducing the need for insulin and lowering fasting glucose levels which it does through active components such as gymnemic acid, thought to increase production of Beta-cells and reduce blood glucose levels.  Additionally, Gymnema Sylvestre has been used in Ayurvedic and naturopathic medicine to reduce LDL and triglycerides, raise HDL, control sugar cravings, aid in digestion, and in weight loss.  Loss of sugar cravings and weight reduction associated with this herb are likely due to its effects on the taste buds, which makes sweet things bland, resulting in calorie reduction.
  2. Chromium Picolinate is a mineral supplement and highly absorbable nutritional form of chromium - an essential nutrient for sugar and fat metabolism
  3. Bilberry has excellent anti-oxidant properties.  Regular use of Bilberry helps to support healthy vision as well as the health of the tiny blood capillaries which carry oxygen to the eyes, which are often affected by diabetes.
Along with these treatments (conventional or natural), type 1 diabetic patient must also ensure proper blood-glucose levels by carrying out regular blood tests and following a special diet.  It is better to have some counselling assistance and group support which will help the patient to lead the normal life.

Click here to know more about Ayurvedic herbal supplement for regulating blood sugar level.

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